Meet Janine in New York!

If you could express your internship experience in three words, what would these be? -
“Fun, educational, unforgettable” We asked Janine some questions about her Media Management & Marketing internship at a travel company in New York City!
Why did you choose to go abroad?
I chose to go abroad because I didn’t know if I wanted to work or if I wanted to study for 4 more years. I have already been in London for a longer period of time, and I liked it a lot, but I didn’t want to go to the same place again, so I chose to go to another city. It is great to gain some experience, meet new people, and I think you have to do it once while you are still young, because you will regret it if you don’t do it!
How did you find your internship?
Stage-USA helped me with finding my traineeship. It is hard to find something in the US. A lot of people just don’t respond to you, and it takes a lot of time. I didn’t have time to do it, so Stage-USA helped me with it. I am glad I did! The only thing I had to do was approve the company, and an interview. And all of the paperwork for the visa of course.
How do you feel about your internship so far?
It has been great so far. It felt weird during the first weeks, because American people work differently, but once you get used to that, it is nothing more than a great experience!
How does the American culture differ from your culture and what has impressed you the most?
Maybe this is a weird example, but every time I work in a shop the people ask me “Hi, how are you?” although it’s fake for 99%, it is still a really nice thing of them to stay and to welcome you. Americans get annoyed really easily, I noticed this because I live in Manhattan and every single car driver IS HONKING, which is really annoying if you are trying to sleep! Guess I am becoming an American already because I am getting annoyed too! Those are just some differences, but I could go on for the next hour and a half telling you many, many more!
Could you take us through a day? What is your routine?
Usually I wake up around 8:30 and go to breakfast immediately. Breakfast is included in my apartment, but it is only till 8:45, so that’s why I am going that early. Around 9:00 I’m going to clean my room because I don’t have anything better to do, then I will make myself ready for a day at work. I only have to walk for 8 blocks, that’s 10 minutes. At work I just do whatever I have to do, make calls, send e-mails, etc. At 6:00pm I finish work and go home, where dinner is already served for me because that’s included in the price too, which is really nice. And after that I’m going outside for a walk, watch tv, or do fun stuff with friends.
What is your housing situation? Do you live in an apartment? Roommates? Housemates?
I live in the Webster Apartments. It is housing for women. They have around 500 rooms in the entire building. They provide 2 meals a day (breakfast, lunch, dinner, you can choose 2 of them), a private (but small) room, tv rooms, laundry rooms, and the most important thing; a fantastic rooftop!
Have you made any trips so far?
Yes, I have been to Boston and Washington DC already. It was both really different then New York. It’s very clean there, people are letting you cross the street, and I don’t know, there is such a different vibe in each city. And that makes exploring in the USA so fun! I am planning on going to Los Angeles in 2019, and maybe some other cities.
What are your future plans?
I am definitely going back to school next year. I am 20 years old at the moment, and I wanted to explore the working life, but I am actually glad that I can go back to school. I have to work till I am 67, so there is a long time ahead of me, so I want to study as long as I can!
How has this experience abroad helped you grow both professionally and personally?
It helped me in many ways so far. I kind of became another person if you can say that. There is something in the New York air that makes you so different. I became more open and honest, I learned how to stand up for myself and defense myself (because the working life is hard here!). I gained a lot of experiences so far, and there are many more to come. I was a bit shy and scared in the first place, scared to ask, scared to make phone calls, just scared to do things wrong. But you shouldn’t think too much and just do it!
Why would you recommend others to do their internship/traineeship abroad?
I would recommend it because it is such a great and amazing experience. You will meet great people, who will become your best friends here but also after your program. You will gain a lot of experience. You will get to know yourself because you are all on your own. And last but not least, this is an once in a lifetime opportunity, you will regret it if you won’t do it!